Quatre associations membres de l’ANPSS lauréates du plan d’investissement dans les compétences

Piloté par le ministère du Travail, le Plan d’investissement dans les compétences (PIC) vise à former des jeunes et demandeurs d’emploi afin de leur permettre leur insertion socio-professionnelle. Il vient de récompenser le programme national TRAJECTOIRES, mis en œuvre par quatre associations pionnières de l’ANPSS (Elan sportif à Mulhouse, Parkour 59 à Roubaix, Unis vers le sport à Strasbourg, et Evasion Urbaine à Torcy).

Le programme TRAJECTOIRES vise à l’insertion socio-professionnelle des jeunes en situation de décrochage scolaire, professionnel et social, via des parcours de remobilisation et d’insertion socio-professionnelle ayant le sport comme levier d’action. Repérés via des animations de proximité dans l’espace public, ces jeunes seront accompagnés et bénéficieront d’un suivi individuel renforcé et de solutions concrètes de retour en formation et à l’emploi.

Ce programme sera réalisé en lien avec des partenaires locaux, tels que le Service public de l’emploi local, ainsi qu’avec le monde économique grâce à l’action d’entreprises sensibilisées au projet. Les jeunes accompagnés seront mis en relation directe avec le monde de l’entreprise, via des visites ou encore des stages de découverte et des entretiens d’embauche. Avec ce projet, c’est donc un véritable écosystème qui est mis en place, avec la mobilisation de multiples acteurs au service de la performance sociale.

À terme, les finalités du programme TRAJECTOIRES, qui a pour objectif l’accompagnement d’environ 80 jeunes sur ses quatre territoires d’implantation, sont les suivantes :

  •  Structurer, consolider et développer les actions locales existantes qui apportent des réponses concrètes et efficaces à l’insertion des publics les plus en difficulté ;
  •  Renforcer les écosystèmes locaux au service de l’inclusion par le sport, avec une place centrale donnée à l’entreprise pour dynamiser les parcours ;
  •  Placer le sport comme dénominateur commun et l’outil central au service de l’insertion des jeunes ;
  • Ancrer ces expérimentations locales dans les territoires ;
  • Modéliser et capitaliser les acquis des expérimentations et construire les conditions de réussite de leur essaimage.

Lancement de l’association nationale de la performance sociale du sport

Un an après le lancement des travaux, l’association nationale de la performance sociale du sport a été officiellement lancée le 3 juin dernier, à l’initiative du ministère des Sports et de l’Agence nationale du Sport.

Présidents de fédérations, maires, acteurs associatifs engagés, entreprises motivées, ministèrs des Sports, de la Ville et de l’Emploi ont souhaité s’engager fortement et rejoindre l’association. Cette structure nationale inédite porte un défi majeur : faire reconnaitre le monde sportif comme un acteur pertinent et efficace de l’inclusion des jeunes et ainsi construire une véritable filière de la performance sociale du sport. L’association de la performance sociale du sport sera un espace d’échange ouvert et bienveillant mais surtout d’actions concrètes au service d’actions innovantes. Dès le mois de septembre, elle réunira une centaine d’associations autour des bonnes pratiques de la performance sociale du sport.

L’innovation dont fait preuve le sport amateur est unanimement reconnue. Pourtant, elle a besoin de continuer à se doter d’outils de développement, d’essaimage et d’accompagnement pour amplifier son action au bénéfice de l’inclusion par le sport. À titre d’exemple, plusieurs grands projets d’inclusion par le sport (portés par la Fédération Française de Voile, un consortium de 4 acteurs associatifs, l’APELS…) viennent d’être financés par le plan d’investissement des compétences (plus de 20 millions d’euros).

Cette performance sociale du sport s’inscrit dans un nouvel écosystème. Les villes françaises, principales sources de financement de ces projets (un tiers des budgets du sport), ne s’y trompent pas : elles sont les premières à innover en mettant en place de nouveaux services de sport insertion, elles seront au cœur même de notre projet. Les fédérations sportives ont un poids majeur dans le sport français, elles prennent de plus en plus conscience de leur intérêt à innover. Les entreprises aussi sont conscientes que le sport peut, par exemple, devenir un outil de recrutement et une source de compétences fortes pour se développer.

L’association nationale de la performance sociale du sport vous donne rendez-vous à la rentrée pour présenter les grandes innovations sociales du sport en lien avec leurs territoires et les acteurs économiques qui soutiendront cette démarche.

« Le sport est créateur de passions, d’émotions et aussi créateur de richesses humaines. Parce que la pratique du sport développe des compétences sociales, participe à l’insertion ou donne des perspectives de qualifications et d’emploi, le sport est générateur de performance sociale. Je suis tout particulièrement attachée à cette facette du sport qui construit des individus, qui aide à trouver sa place. Ce fut mon cas. Depuis des années, les acteurs associatifs, pionniers de la performance sociale œuvrent à l’insertion par le sport. Faire société constituera un enjeu post-covid et le sport doit prendre sa part pour lutter encore plus contre les inégalités sociales, pour aider à recréer du lien. La constitution d’une association nationale est une étape importante pour la reconnaissance, la structuration et le développement de la performance sociale par le sport. Aujourd’hui, les pionniers sociaux-sportifs et les fédérations unissent leurs forces. C’est une association que j’appelais de mes vœux. Parce qu’on est plus fort à plusieurs. Je me réjouis de la constitution d’une telle équipe et vous assure de mon plein soutien. »

Roxana Maracineanu, ministre des Sports

Real time design tools

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student. After a long time I could witness the sunrise. I could feel the sun rays falling on my body. Usual morning is followed by hustle to make it to college on time. This morning was just another morning yet seemed different.

Witnessing calm and quiet atmosphere, clear and fresh air seemed like a miracle to me. I wanted this time to last longer since I was not sure if I would be able to witness it again, knowing my habit of succumbing to schedule. There was this unusual serenity that comforted my mind. It dawned on me, how distant I had been from nature. Standing near the compound’s gate, feeling the moistness that the air carried, I thought about my life so far.

I was good at academics, so decisions of my life had been pretty simple and straight. Being pretty confident I would make it to the best junior college of my town in the first round itself, never made me consider any other option. I loved psychology since childhood, but engineering was the safest option. Being born in a middle class family, thinking of risking your career to make it to medical field was not sane. I grew up hearing ‘Only doctor’s children can afford that field’ and finally ended up believing it. No one around me believed in taking risks. Everyone worshiped security. I grew up doing the same.

This is what has happened to us. We want the things we have been doing forcefully to fail. And then maybe people around us would let us try something else or our dreams. We are accustomed to live by everyone else’s definition of success. We punish people for the things they are passionate about, just because we were unable to do the same at some point in our life.

I feel like these concrete buildings have sucked our desires and our dreams. We are so used to comfort that compromise seems like a taboo. We have lost faith in ourselves. If we can make through it right now, we can do the same in the days to come. You only need a desire to survive and nothing more- not money or cars or designer clothes.

Staying locked up in four walls have restricted our thinking. I feel like our limited thinking echoes through this wall. We are so used to schedules and predictable life that we have successfully suppressed our creative side.

When you step out of these four walls on a peaceful morning, you realize how much nature has to offer to you. Its boundless. Your thoughts, worries, deadlines won’t resonate here. Everything will flow away along with the wind. And you will realize every answer you had been looking for, was always known to you.

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Hey DJ play that song

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed.

Keep me dancing.

Naturally, my first impression of these headphones is based off of the look of them. They have a classic over-the-ear style that is highlighted by a blue LED light that indicates the power for the noise canceling. The padding on the ear pieces seems adequate for extended usage periods.

They are wired headphones, but the 3.5mm stereo mini-plug cable is detachable. Something else I noticed right of the bat was the very nice carrying case that comes with them. It has a hard plastic exterior with a soft cloth interior that helps to protect the surface of the headphones from scratches. I never truly appreciated cases for headphones until I started carrying them from place-to-place. Now I can’t imagine not having a case.

All night long...

Once I gave the headphones a thorough once-over exam, I tried them on. As I mentioned, they have a classic over-the-ear style and just looking at them, the padding on the ear pieces seem adequate and the peak of the headband seemed to be a bit lacking, but you don’t really know comfort unless you try on the product. So, I slipped the headphones on and found them to be exquisitely comfortable.

Play me something for me and my darling, want you to make everything.

Now that I had the headphones on my head, I was finally ready to plug and play some music. I plugged the provided cable into the jack on the headphones and then the one on my iPhone 6. Then I called up Pandora. I tend to have a very eclectic music purview and have many stations set up for different moods. From John Williams to Fallout Boy, the sound quality of these headphones was remarkable. There is an amazing depth of sound and incredible highs and lows that make listening to music a truly breathtaking experience.

In order to test how voices sounded, and the overall art of sound mixing, I pulled up Netflix on my iPad Air 2 and watched a few minutes of a movie to hear all the nuances of the film. None of them were lost. In fact, I ended up hearing sounds that I hadn’t heard before. Echoes…birds chirping…wind blowing through trees…breathing of the characters…it was very impressive what the headphones ended up bringing out for me.

Some amazing buildings

Minimalism and geometric.

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the conversation with the aquarium fisherman, forest ranger, and women at the Thai market. It’s refreshing to compare notes on life with people from vastly different backgrounds.

When you meet fellow travelers, you’ll find they are also filled with a similar sense of adventure and curiosity about the world. Five days of friendship on the road is like five months of friendship at home. It’s the experiences that bond you together, not the place. A rule I followed that worked well: be the first to initiate conversation. I met some incredible people by simply being the first to talk.

Long term travel is different than a luxury vacation. The point is to see the world, not stay in a 5-star hotel. During the trip, I stayed on a strict budget. The goal was to spend no more than $33 per day on accommodations. After a year, I was able to spend only $26.15 per day by booking through HostelWorld and Airbnb. When I wanted to meet people, I’d stay in a shared room at a hostel. When I wanted to be alone, I’d book a private room with Airbnb.

Take the cost of your rent or mortgage + food per month and divide it by 30. This is how much it costs per day to live at home. You will find that it’s possible to travel the world for roughly the same amount. Or, if you live in an expensive city like San Francisco, far less.

An universal language.

I was surprised how many people spoke English (apparently 1.8 billion people worldwide). Places where English was less prevalent, I made an effort to learn a handful of words and phrases in the local language. Even though it’s passable, I do desire to learn another language fluently. You can only take the conversation so far when all you can say is: “¿Esto contiene gluten?”

It’s possible to communicate a lot without saying a word. For instance, I left my phone at a restaurant in Chile. I pointed at the table where I was sitting, put my hand to my ear like a phone, then shrugged — 2 minutes later, my phone had been retrieved.

Top Deejay headphones

First impressions.

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed. Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed.

Naturally, my first impression of these headphones is based off of the look of them. They have a classic over-the-ear style that is highlighted by a blue LED light that indicates the power for the noise canceling. The padding on the ear pieces seems adequate for extended usage periods.

They are wired headphones, but the 3.5mm stereo mini-plug cable is detachable. Something else I noticed right of the bat was the very nice carrying case that comes with them. It has a hard plastic exterior with a soft cloth interior that helps to protect the surface of the headphones from scratches. I never truly appreciated cases for headphones until I started carrying them from place-to-place. Now I can’t imagine not having a case.

It’s safe to say that because of my unique professional experiences, I’ve tested out a lot of headphones.

John Williams

A perfect fit.

Once I gave the headphones a thorough once-over exam, I tried them on. As I mentioned, they have a classic over-the-ear style and just looking at them, the padding on the ear pieces seem adequate and the peak of the headband seemed to be a bit lacking, but you don’t really know comfort unless you try on the product. So, I slipped the headphones on and found them to be exquisitely comfortable. In order to test how voices sounded, and the overall art of sound mixing, I pulled up Netflix on my iPad Air 2 and watched a few minutes of a movie to hear all the nuances of the film. None of them were lost. In fact, I ended up hearing sounds that I hadn’t heard before. Echoes…birds chirping…wind blowing through trees…breathing of the characters…it was very impressive what the headphones ended up bringing out for me.


Now that I had the headphones on my head, I was finally ready to plug and play some music. I plugged the provided cable into the jack on the headphones and then the one on my iPhone 6. Then I called up Pandora. I tend to have a very eclectic music purview and have many stations set up for different moods. From John Williams to Fallout Boy, the sound quality of these headphones was remarkable. There is an amazing depth of sound and incredible highs and lows that make listening to music a truly breathtaking experience.

In order to test how voices sounded, and the overall art of sound mixing, I pulled up Netflix on my iPad Air 2 and watched a few minutes of a movie to hear all the nuances of the film. None of them were lost. In fact, I ended up hearing sounds that I hadn’t heard before. Echoes…birds chirping…wind blowing through trees…breathing of the characters…it was very impressive what the headphones ended up bringing out for me.