Charles Hughes

Lead Attorney

Los Angeles

15 Beverly AvenueLos Angeles, CA 213 741 1151

San Francisco

347 Westifield CenterSan Francisco, CA 415 565 0545


Let's build a lasting legacy together.

Our team includes attorneys with years of experience handling cases throughout courtrooms in the States.

In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.

In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.

The Firm

Goals & objectives


Cases Completed


Satisfied Customers


Awards Winning


Qualified Lawyers

Our Publications

Newsletter – Mars 2024

La Newsletter ANPSS de Mars est là ! Plongez-vous dans un condensé des actualités de l'ANPSS, des…

Newsletter – Février 2024

La Newsletter de Février est là ! Découvrez les actualités qui ont marqué ce mois avec au programme…

Retour sur l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire 2022 ANPSS

L'Association Nationale de la Performance Sociale du Sport (ANPSS) a tenu son Assemblée Générale…

Newsletter – Janvier 2024