Creative Fitness


Meet the amazing group of Personal Trainers at your disposal, from 10 to 22, from Monday to Sunday.


In the last year we have developed more than 20.000 movements in our gym for each athlete and this is an amazing result.


With our targeted workouts you can achieve a lean mass result. Try it and don't regret it at all. Get in the best shape.
CrossFit is a unique fitness program that uses a variety of movements, performed at moderate to high intensity, using different time modalities. The exercises are said to be functional in which they involve several muscles in the same movement. By practicing CrossFit, you also become more efficient in everyday life. CrossFit people work weekly on 10 physical skills including cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, muscle endurance, flexibility, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. CrossFit is a lifestyle characterised by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone—people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years. Our approach emphasises the technical and safe learning of all movements to ensure proper muscle and cognitive progression and development.

Personal Trainer

The magic is in the movements. Workouts are different every day and modified to help each athlete achieve his or her goals.

Physical Check

The magic is in the movements. Workouts are different every day and modified to help each athlete achieve his or her goals.

New Equipment

The magic is in the movements. Workouts are different every day and modified to help each athlete achieve his or her goals.
CrossFit is a lifestyle characterised by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone — people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years.

Train for free today


Creative Collective

Interface Design

Implementation and rollout of new network infrastructure, including consolidation of established network designed and created infrastructure.

Product Design

We use a combination of new and advanced techniques including qualitative and quantitative researches with advanced statistics.

Quality Results

With years of experience, we know how to create complex and intuitive interface systems that are enjoyable and simple to use.

Power Support

We provide technical assistance and consultancy, that will help you to improve, keep the quality and speed of all new launched project.

Awarded creative team with decades of experience


Let's create great and beautiful together

We believe in businesses that help clients grow by digital experiences.

Purchase Uncode

Creative Marketing


We are a digital design agency with a strategic approach


We want clients and designers alike to think about their design and how it will work.


We want clients and designers alike to think about their design and how it will work.


We want clients and designers alike to think about their design and how it will work.


Life at the agency it's a culture based on cooperation

Strategy, technology and design are the cornerstones of developing strong user experiences that support your needs and strengthen your business.

We are always curious and driven by the desire


Need to kickstart your next web project?

Strategy, technology and design are the cornerstones of developing strong user experiences that support your needs and strengthen your business.
Purchase Uncode

Creative Landing

Modular Design

Truly one of the most powerful and advanced grid. Truly one of the most powerful and advanced grid.

Mobile Responsive

Uncode comes with pixel perfect & clean design to satisfy any possible and impossible needs.

Top Performance

Automatically adapt and set your images sizes for best quality on all devices and resolutions.

Power Support

A perfect responsive theme powered with selective options for different screen and monitors.

How it works

This app does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully and designed and extremely intuitive to use.

Request early access

Try our new application trial today and you get 14 days for free!

    Creative Director

    About me

    Experience and beautiful aesthetics.

    I have worked with a number of clients, both through agencies and independently. I have worked with a number of clients, both through agencies and independently.
    Sometimes, I am fortunate enough to win some awards & recognition.









    From the blog

    Latest News
    & Articles.

    My publications and articles about UI/UX Design. A digression in my design workflow & methodologies.

    Newsletter – Juin 2024

    L'été arrive et avec lui, la chaleur…

    Replay Webinaire – L’insertion par le sport des personnes réfugiées

    Vous avez manqué notre dernier Webinaire sur…

    Newsletter – Avril/Mai 2024

    Notre dernière Newsletter est maintenant…

    Grande Cause Nationale 2024 : Le sport au coeur de la société

    Avec l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et…

    Let's create!

    For any work proposal send an email:

    My passion is working closely with interesting companies to visually elevate their brand. Sometimes I am available to develop new freelance projects. Let's talk & find a fit.

    Creative Digital Agency


    We develop digital strategies, products and services.

    Uncode is a creative marketing agency that specializes in strategy, creativity, design and innovative technology.



    Talk to us about new work

    Our core clients are from the Europe countries, but we are happy to work with clients from all over the globe.

      Qui sommes-nous

      Face au décrochage scolaire, professionnel et social de nombreux jeunes, de plus en plus d’associations, collectivités locales, fédérations sportives et entreprises s’engagent dans des actions d’inclusion et d’éducation par le sport.

      Ces projets pédagogiques et inclusifs apportent des réponses adaptées aux jeunes en marge et éloignés de l’emploi, notamment dans les quartiers les plus touchés par la relégation sociale. Les apprentissages sociaux du sport sont nombreux : solidarité, sens de l’effort, du respect, de la réussite, ou encore esprit d’équipe, et ces soft skills ont toute leur place dans une dynamique d’inclusion scolaire, professionnelle et sociétale. Un nouveau paradigme est ainsi en train d’émerger dans le monde sportif, à l’instar de la recherche de performance de haut niveau. Les dimensions sociales s’inscrivent dans les critères de réussite du sport à différentes échelles : territoriale, nationale et internationale. Les impacts sociaux, notamment en référence aux plus démunis, aux plus exclus, aux plus éloignés des pratiques sportives, sont maintenant intégrés dans les logiques de performance du système sportif.

      Un collectif de la performance sociale a été créé en janvier 2019, regroupant parmi les pionniers de l’éducation et de l’insertion des jeunes par le sport.

      Soutenu par la ministre déléguée aux Sports et l’Agence nationale du sport, ce collectif s’est réuni à de nombreuses reprises, a échangé avec les ministères, et initié et mis en œuvre le Tour de France de la performance sociale du sport.
      En juin 2020, ce collectif s’est structuré et est devenu l’association nationale de la performance sociale du sport. Cette association est un lieu d’échanges et de dialogue entre l’ensemble des acteurs de ce nouvel écosystème : associations, fédérations, collectivités territoriales, entreprises, personnalités qualifiées. Elle ambitionne de placer la performance sociale du sport comme une composante incontournable des politiques publiques sportives, éducatives, sociales et d’insertion

      Creative Department

      Our team









      We are an agency that focuses on digital design solutions. We outline, design and develop online media and applications for brands and companies.

      Our works

      Corporate websites, online shops, campaigns or apps. We have all the expertise required to make a digital product a successful product.

      More projects

      Our blog

      Some amazing buildings

      When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking…

      Hey DJ play that song

      Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a…

      Real time design tools

      Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student.…

      Ready to get started? Get your copy of Uncode.

      Creative Designers

      Awesome & skilledDesigners


      Newsletter – Juin 2024

      L'été arrive et avec lui, la chaleur s'invite. Mais pas de panique ! La Newsletter du mois de juin est là pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire des actualités de ce…

      Replay Webinaire – L’insertion par le sport des personnes réfugiées

      Vous avez manqué notre dernier Webinaire sur l'insertion par le sport des personnes réfugiées ? Pas de panique ! Le replay complet est maintenant……

      Newsletter – Avril/Mai 2024

      Notre dernière Newsletter est maintenant disponible ! Découvrez 2 fois plus d'actualités retraçant les infos des mois d'avril et de mai.

      Grande Cause Nationale 2024 : Le sport au coeur de la société

      Avec l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024, le Gouvernement, sous l'impulsion du Président de la République Française, Emmanuel…




      Portfolio Projects


      Happy Clients

      Creative Studio

      We love what we do

      Digital agency

      We design products, packaging and user experiences with a unique research-based process i call Informed Creativity. Our work has been recognised with multiple international awards.


      What we do

      We work for the most innovative and best-loved companies in the technology world.


      Awesome stuff


      Uncode comes with pixel perfect & clean design to satisfy any needs.


      A perfect responsive theme powered with selective options.


      Transform any one-page design into an exciting presentation.


      Unique and innovative grid system that pushes layouts to the edge...






      Cups of Coffee



      Let's Talk

      We work for the most innovative and best-loved companies.


      Fresh news